International security services

We cooperate with a range international security organizations.

IMG 53791

World Anti-Criminal Anti-Terrorist Forum
International Anti-Criminal Anti-Terrorist Committee


The forum is an international non-governmental public organization whose goal is to unite all anti-criminal and anti-terrorist forces in the world. Every year, the WAAF holds Congresses and conferences on topical issues of combating crime, terrorism, and organized crime. Within the framework of the Forum, its national divisions operate. Working groups have been created in separate areas, whose employees (IAAC and WAAF) are engaged in ensuring international security and combating transnational crime and terrorism in 38 countries of the world, such as France, Austria, Israel, the United Kingdom, the United States, etc. Since 2000, the forum has been supported by Interpol Secretary General Raymond Kendall and FBI Director Louis Freeh.

Participation in the Forum is individual, corporate or associated. Representatives of government bodies, business and financial circles, law enforcement agencies, public organizations, foundations, associations, international associations, mass media, culture and other organizations can participate in the Forum.

Work in the Forum involves the commitment of participants to the declared goals and objectives, the payment of membership fees, the use of rights provided for by the WAAF Charter.

The Forum is headquartered in Berlin, where the Secretariat operates on a permanent basis. The Secretariat office is located in Moscow.

The governing bodies of the WAAF are: the General meeting of the members of the WAAF, the management Board, and the Advisory Board.

Address in Germany:
AAF e.V. Jagerstrasse 67, Zi 10117, Berlin tel.: (4930) 7007 1892; 7007 1893;
(4930) 617971161, 617971162, 617971163; fax: (0930) 7007 1894
e-mail: Această adresă de email este protejată contra spambots. Trebuie să activați JavaScript pentru a o vedea.

National anti-criminal and anti-Terrorist Fund (Russia)
121069, city of Moscow, B. Rzhevsky lane 2/24
tel / Fax +7 (495) 691-4660, 690-46-28
e-mail: Această adresă de email este protejată contra spambots. Trebuie să activați JavaScript pentru a o vedea.Această adresă de email este protejată contra spambots. Trebuie să activați JavaScript pentru a o vedea.

security 181so president u2020 01 so president u2020 02
  Supreme General albert Ignatenko is the official head of the IAAC representative Office in the EU.

01 2020 11 11 18 53 37             02 2020 11 11 18 57 07
              Chairman of the IAAC and member of the WAAF Presidium Supreme General Alexey Chistyakov

Informal justice as a way to protect human rights
around the world

21Informal justice as a way to protect human rights around the world
Author: International social Bureau


flags soc2020Sociopaths as a threat to our well-being




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Supreme General IAAC Tarasov V. A.

sec 08 07 216 1

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Nonverbal (instantaneous) immersion in a hypnotic dream

Security mail ASBL New Golden Age Blank ENG

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showing the remote
transfer of the psychoinformational program "falling man"
prof. Ignatenko.


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Awarding of the Supreme General Ignatenko A.V. by the Chairman of the International anti-Criminal and
Of the anti-terrorist Committee by the Supreme General Chistyakov A. N.

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doc 10 07 2019 219

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Almaty. The championship is held by the world hand-to-hand combat Federation.

General ISSA Vladimir Ivanovich Shtepanek, one of the best snipers in Europe (Czech Republic) Member of the Presidium of the WCLN.

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 image 09 2020 16 11        image 07 2020 16 11 06

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Cloud dispersal, Dusseldorf (1995)



With the support of the world Federation of hand-to-Hand Combat, holding an open, team tournament in hand-to-hand combat among police officers and employees of special units of the power structures of the Republic of Kazakhstan (2009)   The fight is led by three-time Slovak Kickboxu champion Jaroslav Gabor, Grand doctor of psychoinformatiology, Slovakia (2000)

      secur 204 2 secur 205 1            

doc 10 07 2019 223

    secur 206 1 secur 202 2

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Matricea Destinului

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