Happy Victory Day!

den pobedi2021


On behalf of the more than 200 thousandth community of Cosmohumanists of the World-Warriors of Light.
On behalf of the International Anti-Crime and Anti-Terrorism Committee.
On behalf of the Diplomatic Mission of Public Diplomacy.
On behalf of the Consortium, Information Justice.
On behalf of World Science.
On behalf of the Brussels New Golden Age Foundation.
On behalf of the International Cossack Unions and people of good will!
We congratulate you on the Great Victory Day! We wish you a peaceful sky, good health, long life, caring attention to Veterans and love for all the inhabitants of the planet Earth.
Eternal memory to the Heroes who gave their lives for our bright future.
In this bloody war, 3 of my grandfather's teachers were killed:
Ignatenko Melentiy Demidovich.
Ignatenko Ivan Demidovich.
Ignatenko Sergey Demidovich.
In a concentration camp in Yugoslavia, my Father Ludwig Kloss, an International Doctor, died.
I continue two lines of descent, as an educator, doctor, Educator, Scientist, and Warrior of Light who fights, mentally and verbally with his students, against the forces of evil, lies, violence, and darkness on Earth and in the universe.
Fighting for progress and Peace, on our beautiful Planet.
And I would like to conclude by addressing you with the words of the song Buchenwald Alarm:
"People of the World, stand up for a moment......
Hear, hear, buzzing from all sides, it is heard in Buchenwald, bell ringing, bell ringing, it flies, flies, over the whole Earth and buzzes excitedly."
People of the World be careful, take care of the World, take care of the World, take care, take care, take care of the World."



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