2020 11 02 13 05 11 NGAB2020ENG

Brussels foundation "NEW GOLDEN AGE" together with the World Cosmohumanistic League of Nations are implementing a global project "NEW GOLDEN AGE OF THE CREATOR"

Any Doctrine which is not in contrary to the spiritual & moral

Informational Laws has every right to live.
Askhasrin the Great (October 07, 2002 - Prague – Revelation)

  Cosmohumanism (cosmos – structure, order, Law; humanism – tradition of values that emphasizes the importance of human dignity, virtue, capabilities, and concern) – a doctrine of the Creator’s New Golden Age given to the Earthmen in April 1991 by my energoinformational contact (meditations, revelations) with the Subtle Worlds, Sirius Civilization, and Creator’s Hierarchy. This new evolutional, philosophical and enlightening Doctrine serves for a harmonic development of personality and society and forms the spiritual and informational civilization “The Creator’s Golden Age”. The Doctrine is based on the genuine cosmic & evolutionary Laws (commandments, Vedas etc.) and scientific knowledge of the subtle holographic Universe (Macrocosm) and Human (Microcosm) as evolutional, open, non-lineal (self-organizing), multi-functional, block-like, multi-level, physical & energoinformational system of the cosmic & planetary Divinity nature which reflects the objective reality of the Subtle and Brute Matters of the world around.

01 10 2019 2019 11 01 20 59 32 Nelli viber 2019 10 30 00 32 46 2020E 
President of the NEW GOLDEN AGE Foundation
Albert Alexey Ignatenko, Vice-President Nela Ignatenko 

Based on Cosmohumanistic Teaching and the doctrine of the World, the Foundation offers a completely new scientific humanistic way to solve the most complex problems of our time, such as:

  • Raising the spiritual, intellectual, and psycho-physical levels of the Earthmen, and the development of their skillsIntroduction of the cosmohumanistic system of teaching of principles of working with positive information (on verbal and non-verbal levels) which excludes application of negative information and transfers to the positive level of thinking, emotions, speech, and actions;
  • Transference of the Mankind on the sub-informational (sub-atomic) level of thinking;
  • Achievement of the global forgiveness (forgetting about all the negative historical events because they block the evolutionary process of states and peoples), responding to evil with good;
  • Feeling the true sense of Universal patriotism, unity and friendship among all peoples;
  • The Earthmen genetic conservation, prolongation of the vigorous phase of life and getting the “Key to Youngness and Active Ageing”;
  • Shaping of the Spiritual & Informational Civil Society of the Third Millennium Peacebearers;
  • Organization of the Global Spiritual & Informational Parliament;
  • Organization of the Global;
  • Creation of one and undivided Cosmohumanistic Earthmen Civilization “The New Golden Age”, Civilization of Faith, Hope, Light, Love, Kindness, Conscience, Forgiveness, peace, Justice, Mercy, and Truth.

Symbol of the Cosmohumanistic Doctrine is the Golden Eight-pointed God’s Mother Star with the globe and stylized Human figure, turned to the Creator and Cosmic Knowledge, in the center. The star is framed with 12 eight-pointed little stars. The flag of the World Cosmohumanistic League of Nations is a four-coloured cloth (golden, white, pink, and violet colours) with the symbol of the Cosmohumanistic Doctrine in the center.

Annually, the World Cosmohumanists’ Day is celebrated on September 22.

Anthem of cosmohumanists

Our Foundation conducts international seminars, symposiums, congresses, festivals, exhibitions, sales, etc. We conduct remote sessions on rehabilitation and discovery of abilities through television and mentally. We have started the world's first online global University of psycho-informational Technologies.

The international VIP center for body rejuvenation is successfully operating.
For the first time in the World, a competitive selection has been announced for the first centenarians of our planet
contacts for appointment:

tel: +40727779003,  
email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.  

Online courses World University Psycho-informational Technologies

The online courses of the World University of Psycho-Information Technologies of the Third Millennium are conducted according to an intensive training program, for 12 months, using WhatsApp on your phone on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays weekly.
The program is addressed to all social and age groups, with different creeds, who want to survive this pandemic, panic, fear and stress, those who want to achieve harmony, conscience, kindness and love. And also to everyone who wants to master the keys of evolution and cognition of Man and the Universe, as well as the Truth of the Essence of Being - the Creator. A seminar for those who want to achieve full health, a long, prosperous and happy life! During practical training, each student receives a new, more perfect genetic code PSY-I, genome-33, which will allow him to live without old age and manage the life time. For the number of years of healthy life on earth depends on the time management system that students master, and they become the first centenarians of the world.
We appeal to all our contemporaries regardless of age, nationality, profession and gender! For the salvation of our Planet, humanity, prosperity and a bright future, NOW we are HERE, for each of you!
To take part in the courses of the World University of Psycho-Information Technologies of the Third Millennium, please fill out and send the registration form to the email address: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..
The registration fee for the 12 months intensive course is 1400 euros. It can be paid in full or in two installments: 800 euros upon registration and 600 euros after the first 4 months of the course. Payment of the fee provides for the receipt at the address indicated in the registration form, the most powerful Activator of the third millennium, as well as other PSY-IT technologies of Professor Ignatenko.


New Golden Age cont BE72363203988616 ING BANK BELGIA

N° d'entreprise : 0743.478.670
(en entier) : New Golden Age
(en abrégé) : NGA
Forme légale : Association sans but lucratif
Adresse complète du siège : Rond-Point Robert Schuman, 2-4
                                           1040 Bruxelles

Obiet de l'acte : Constitution de l'A.S.B.L. New Golden Age - Statuts
STATUTS DE l'ASBL «New Golden Age»

  tel: +40727779003,  
  email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Main website WCLN


Absolute matrix of destiny

Eternal youth

Our channel on Youtube