In Romania, Oradea, master class "Beauty, health, youth." was held on the March 3rd.
On February 24, 2019, the world's first seminar in the series "Leaders of the World Spiritual and Informational Elite" was completed in Bucharest, Graduates received diplomas in specialty "Cosmic eniopsychologist-counselor" We congratulate all graduates and wish to be worthy leaders of the world community.
The Presidium of the world Cosmohumanistic League of Nations, President of the WCLN, Professor A. A. Kloss-Ignatenko.
On the 19th of February, at 18.00 you can see us live on CANAL33, where you will learn about our products (technologies) and informational about their usefulness.
We will also talk about future plans in Romania.
In Bucharest, Romania, on January 19, 2019, a seminar was held, Cosmoeniopsychology, module 1